Rani Mengaku Diberi Fathanah Rp10 Juta untuk Hubungan Intim

Maharani tidak bisa mengelak dicecar jaksa M Rum
Maharani Suciono mengaku diajak berhubungan intim oleh Ahmad Fathanah, tersangka korupsi kuota impor daging sapi di Kementerian Pertanian. Maharani merupakan mahasiswa universitas swasta di Jakarta yang bersama Ahmad Fathanah saat dibekuk Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi pada 29 Januari lalu.
Hal ini terungkap dalam persidangan terdakwa kasus suap pengaturan kuota impor sapi dengan terdakwa Arya Abdi Effendi dan Juard Effendi di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Jakarta, Jumat 17 Mei 2013.
Awalnya hakim bertanya soal pertemuan Rani dengan Fathanah saat itu. Rani mengaku, sebelumnya ia ditelepon untuk bertemu di Hotel Le Meridien. "Jam 5 saya berangkat dari tempat teman. Sampai sana jam setengah 6. Lupa pokoknya lewat dari jam 5," kata dia.
Keduanya bertemu di kafe yang ada di hotel tersebut. Setelah berbincang sebentar, Fathanah kemudian mengajak Rani ke atas. Mereka naik ke lantai 17 dan masuk ke kamar 1740. "Tidak lama petugas KPK datang. Yang buka pintu Pak Ahmad," katanya.
Saat persidangan, jaksa M Rum mempertanyakan imbalan Rp10 juta yang diberikan Ahmad Fathanah kepada Rani.
Uang itu dari mana, tanya jaksa kepada Rani. "Dikasih Pak Ahmad," jawab Rani.
Saat ditanya lagi untuk keperluan apa uang sebesar itu, Rani berkilah. "Tidak tahu, saya dikasih Pak Ahmad Rp10 juta," kata dia.
Namun jaksa belum puas dengan jawaban Rani. "Izin yang mulia, di poin BAP No 6 ini ada pertanyaan apakah saudara diajak berhubungan intim oleh AF?" tanya Jaksa itu kepada Rani.

Tidak bisa berkilah lagi, Rani menjawab, "Iya, untuk menemani Pak Ahmad."
"Dikasih uang itu katanya untuk itu (berhubungan intim)?" tanya jaksa lagi. Pertanyaan ini kembali dijawab, "Iya."
Rani juga ditanya awal perkenalan dengan Fathanah. Kata Rani, ia kenal Fathanah sehari sebelumnya di salah satu mal Jakarta. "Lagi makan siang, ada Pak Ahmad Fathanah di situ, cuma saya nggak begitu paham. Nggak kenalan secara langsung. Saya hmad Fathanah, saya pengusaha, seperti itu saja," kata Rani.
Anda punya proyek? "Oh nggak," jawab Rani.
Maharani yang mengenakan blus putih dan celana panjang hitam ke PN Tipikor  sedang bersama Fathanah saat KPK menangkapnya di Hotel Le Meridien pada 29 Januari. Saat itu KPK menyita uang sebanyak Rp10 juta yang diberikan Fathanah kepada lajang berambut panjang ini. Namun setelah menjalani pemeriksaan, Maharani dinyatakan tidak terbukti dan dilepaskan penyidik. (umi)

Reporter Wanita Yang Bikin Gregetan

Untung di Indonesia nggak ada reporter Televisi yang kayak pamela david ini ya? pasti udah di Demo tuh... yap... Pamela David ini adalah seorang reporter di salah satu televisi di argentina.. orangnya seksi abis pokoknya

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Cewek Cantik Dan Mulus

Gambar laen tentang nenen mulus cewek cantik

was seen body that was white and sexy, whoever wanted to play with him? The face of this woman was so pretty, whoever saw him would as being affected by the electricity current that flowed all over the body, the view of his eyes like the weld that could dilute the metal steel, and his style like the electron laser that was hot as welding or soldering the hard metal steel and could melt by him, his body could weld the heart of the man who saw him, really very hot

payudaraaa yang padat berisi

although girls as beautiful as this summer working in the company’s joint, but he is very smart and be with her own techniques, such as engineering EXW (Explosion Welding) is a weld heat source that was found with ammunition detonating installed in a mold / mold on the part and fill the mold available. This is a very practical way to connect a steel wire / wire rope, slenk. How the implementation is the end of the wire-end of the mine to include in the mold that has been filled ammunition powder ledak next start is with the cigarette lighter, so there eksotermis chemical reaction which is very fast so that the temperature is very high so that the explosion there. The explosion was the end of the second melt steel wire embedded in the mold before, so that integrated and liquid metal fills the available space inside the mold

cantik yang menggairahkan

Only submitted that he did to enjoy this,This pretty young girl was very hot and could melelehkan the heavy steel stainless steel the aluminium Weld could become the nickname for this girl. was very astonishing and made the art like was affected by firewelding, yes like welding that could make the iron melt in fact the steel could then melt by him, pretty and really astonishing hot game …… yeah…………..

Gadis sexy yang laen

These young girls love hot style, such as hot as molten iron by welding together iron can because the heat of welding, welding carbide or electric welding heat the same as the image of this beautiful girl, what her body might be too hot that can melt iron like welding yes. and i like that
Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing coalescence. This is often done by melting the workpieces and adding a filler material to form a pool of molten material (the weld pool) that cools to become a strong joint, with pressure sometimes used in conjunction with heat, or by itself, to produce the weld. This is in contrast with soldering and brazing, which involve melting a lower-melting-point material between the workpieces to form a bond between them, without melting the workpieces.
this is almost the same with women who have this beauty so it can thaw the hearts and hammer steel using welding.

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